Map – painting on the spot

Landscapes – radius Basel show larger map
On this map you can see all the paintings and all the spots where I was working on this project.

Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014

Vernissage in Lucerne

I'm looking forward to the Preview of the annual show "Jahresausstellung Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen" at the Kunstmuseum Luzern tommorow, 5th December.

Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Freitag, 21. November 2014

Back to Bulle

I'm very excited for the vernissage at Bulle tomorrow! Come and have a look if you are around.

22.11.2014 – 08.03.2015

Bulle. Eine Stadt im Focus.

Der Blick von 13 Schweizer Kunstschaffenden auf eine Stadt im Wandel
Innerhalb von 30 Jahren hat sich die Bevölkerung von Bulle von 10'000 auf 20'000 Personen verdoppelt. Welche Blicke lassen sich heute auf diese Stadt im Wandel richten, auf ihre urbanistische Entwicklung, ihre Mobilität und ihre Einwohner? Das Musée gruérien lancierte 2013 einen Wettbewerb zu diesem Thema. Dreizehn Kunstschaffende aus der ganzen Schweiz wurden von einer Fachjury ausgewählt. Sie präsentieren im Museum ihren Beitrag zu «Eine Stadt im Focus» und laden zur Reflexion ein.

Stefan Auf der Maur, Basel
Matthieu Barbezat und Camille Villetard, Bern
Valérie Besson, Genf
David Brülhart, Freiburg
Alessandro Chianese, Macolin
Georges Corpataux, Sâles
François Emmenegger, La Tour-de-Trême
Régine Gapany, Bulle
Séverin Guelpa, Genf
Carole Rey, Lausanne
Daphné Roulin, Grangettes
Yves Tauvel, Savièse
Sybille Völkin, Basel

Mittwoch, 12. November 2014

Kunst Zürich fair

Here's a picture of my part at the booth of the galery arthobler  at the fair "Kunst Zürich 14",  30.10 – 02.11.2014.
A mixture of different plein air paintings (from Basel and Usedom) and some Housing-sculpures.

Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014

Nr. 132, Nr. 134, Schindler and Rotsee

The new built sculpture-like finish tower at the Rotsee. The Rotsee is well known place for rowing regattas. 
Nr. 134, Zielhaus Rotsee
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 132, Schindler Ebikon
30 x 30 cm


The tower of the Schindler heaquarter. Schindler is a company which produces elevators.

Nr. 128–130 In Rothenburg

Nr 128, Bieri Alteisen
30 x 30 cm
There is no castle in Redcastle (Rothenburg) but a lot of Industrial buildings.

Nr 129, Batalliard Rothenburg
30 x 30 cm

Nr 130 Sempach-Neuenkirch
30 x 30 cm

Nr 127, Seetalplatz Emmen

Nr. 127, Seetalplatz Emmen
30 x 30 cm

Nr 125, Nr 126, Swisspor Arena and Buildings at the Lake Lucerne

The Place where I went to school (the bright horizontal stroke…) and residence towers at the football stadium.

Nr. 126, Alpenquai
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 125, Swisspor Arena
30 x 30 cm

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2014

Nr. 123, 124 a housing complex and the hospital of canton Lucerne

After my time in Usedom I restartet work in my birthplace Lucerne…

Nr. 124, Kantonsspital Luzern
30 x 30 cm

The hospital of canton Lucerne, with the Pilatus in the background. 

Nr. 123, Ahornweg Emmen
30 x 30 cm

This shows a housing complex in Emmen near Lucerne. Both objects are seen from a knoll called Sedel.

Samstag, 13. September 2014


Tomorrow, there will be an exhibition of the works that we produced during the last ten days on Usedom. If you are around I would be very pleased to meet you there…

Atelierfest und „Werkschau“ in der Neuen Galerie
Sonnabend, den 13. September 2014, 19 Uhr

Beteiligte Künstlerinnen und Künstler

Stefan auf der Maur, Basel, Schweiz  
Anett Frontzek, Dortmund, Deutschland
Julia Gutkina, St. Petersburg, Russland
Bettina Hünicke, Potsdam, Deutschland                  
Anastasya Nesterova, Sewastopol, Ukraine          
Dirk Richter, Leipzig, Deutschland
Ava Smitmans, Tübingen, Deutschland
Regula Wepfer, Hombrechtikon, Schweiz

Modern Jazz mit Christian Jaroslawski, Kontrabass Hendryk Wörlitz, Klavier

Nr. 120, Rettungsturm Damerow

The life-safer's cabin at Damerow on a windy dull day. The red flag signalizes "swimming forbidden"
Nr. 120, Rettungsturm Damerow
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 119 Rettungsturm Trassenheide

The life-safer's cabin at Trassenheide at the coast of Usedom on a beautiful sunny day.

Nr. 119, Rettungsturm Trassenheide
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 116, 117 Peenemünde

I've done those paintings at Peenemünde, a heritage at a former Third Reich rocket research-center.
Nr. 116, Power station Peenemünde
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 117, V2 Peenemünde
30 x 30 cm

This rocket certainly served Hergé as a prototype for his moon rocket…

Nr. 114, Pier at Heringsbrücke

Pier Heringsbrücke
30 x 30cm

Sonntag, 7. September 2014

Paintings Nr.112, 113: A detached hut and a huge water slide…

Nr. 113, Zinnowitz
30 x 30 cm

Nr. 112, Zinnowitz, water slide
30 x 30 cm

Painting Nr. 110 and 111 Diving bell

A very peculier Diving bell at the end of the promenade pier in Zinnowitz: afloat and submerged…

Nr. 110, Tauchglocke Zinnowitz
20 x 20 cm

Nr. 111, Tauchglocke Zinnowitz
20 x 20 cm

Nr. 108, Koserow

My first painting on Usedom: The life-safer's hut at the beginning of the promenade pier in Koserow.

Nr. 108, Koserow, Schwimmretter-Hütte,
30 x 30 cm

X. Pleinair im Atelier Otto Niemeyer-Holstein

From September 3 to 14, 2014 I takepart at the "X. Pleinair im Atelier Otto Niemeyer-Holstein" on the Island of Usedom. It's a really nice place!
It's a pleasure to paint with the feet in the sand.
Unfortunately I have no or only bad access to the Internet: So I won't post every day.


My Bungalow

Nr. 105, Real, Reussegg

This ist the first painting of the "plein air" series which I have done in Lucerne, the place where I grew up. The Idea Is to extend the painting area further, to Include other places than Basel…
On the Painting Nr. 105 you can see an incineration plant.

Nr. 105
30 x 30 cm

Dienstag, 19. August 2014

Exhibition at Kulturwiese Café

At the moment there are some of my paintings on display at the Kulturwiese Café
Hochbergerplatz 1, 4057 Basel. This is near to the place where i produced a lot of the Radius Basel paintings…

Montag, 4. August 2014

stuffed animals – mouse

Finally after a lot of buildings: Two commissioned work (out of my stuffed animals series)
Mouse (Nr. 88), 2014
30 x 30cm«oil on canvas
Mouse, 2014,
27 x 19.5 cm«mixed media on paper

Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014

My last painting in Bulle: Fun Planet (or painting in the rain)

Fun Planet, 103 (Bulle 19)
30 x 30 cm
24. Juli 2014
(With some raindrops)

People often ask me what I do if it rains:Here you can see the worst case. The resulting painting is shwon above. The best way to get wet through, and destroy your wooden palette…

Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

jubilee: My plein-air painting no. 100!

Migros, La Tour-de-Trême, Nr 100 (Bulle 16)
30 x 30 cm

Highrise Rue deVevey, Nr 101 (Bulle 17)
30 x 30 cm

Farmhouse, Rue de la Léchère Nr 102 (Bulle 18)
30 x 30 cm

Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014

Detached house

Detached house, Ch. de Cuquerens,
Nr 99 (Bulle 15)
30 x 30 cm

A box for everyone in  the open countryside!

Montag, 21. Juli 2014

A farmhouse and a forest in the city center

Ferme (Rue de la Lécheretta), Nr 97 (Bulle 13),
30 x 30 cm

Forest (round about), Nr 98 (Bulle 14),
30 x 30 cm

Samstag, 19. Juli 2014

Freitag, 18. Juli 2014

An ofice block and a climbing hall

UCB,  siège administratif, Nr, 93 (Bulle 9),
30 x 30 cm
work and leisure…

Halle d'escalade, Nr, 94 (Bulle 10),
30 x 30 cm

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014